About Us, The Clinic Journey;

 Robert Newby  32 years of clinical experience         

 Dip.Herb.Med., Dip.Natural Therapeutics
 Dip. Clinical Iridology 
 M.N.Z.A.M.H,  M.N.M.H.N.Z 

​ New Zealand Registered;

Robert has 32 years of clinical practice as a Medical Herbalist and Naturopathic practitioner, during which time he has  worked with many people and their various health conditions. 
He has always had a keen interest in gardening and growing many plants over the years with an emphasis on good health and conscious living, eating nutritious organic vegetables and growing healthy herbs as teas and medicines.
When he purchased his first land to grow plants at Cornwallis Beach this was when his vision became clear and the real work began.

After a mixed background of work in Publishing, Graphic Arts, Customs and Shipping and the New Zealand Pottery Industry he was drawn to get more in touch with the Plant Kingdom.
With an established garden and growing medicinal plants in 1988 when he was 27 the new door opened, his Saturn return.
He was ready to move forward to start formal training at South Pacific College of Natural Therapies in which he graduated in 1993, having studied in Medical Herbalism, Naturopathy & Remedial Body Therapies gaining diploma’s and becoming registered in New Zealand with both NZAMH and NMHNZ.

​Throughout his student days he practiced from the beginning ‘phytotherapy’ and was always passionate and inspired by the way Herbal medicine really helped people.
After his student days he immediately set up full time practice and people word of mouth, arrived at his door.
His clinic started as a small affair at his family home in Titirangi.     
The next step was that he needed more space so when a shop came up in Titirangi he jumped to secure stable premises and hence began  
 "Titirangi Natural Health Clinic & Herbal Dispensary" 
from 109 Atkinson Road, Titirangi, Waitakere City, Auckland.


From this position in the public eye, being well seen Robert managed a very busy Natural Health Clinic, Health Shop 
& Herbal Dispensary. In fact it was the first "Herbal Dispensary" for Auckland.
We had many people from all walks of life, walk off the street with all matters of health and find our Herbal Dispensary.
We made everything herbal tinctures, herbal extracts, ointments, liniments, balms, rubs, oils, flower essences, individual and over the counter remedies. (I wish to thank and acknowledge those people that worked to support me during this shop and clinic period of 10 years.)
We had the support of the community and referrals from the local pharmacy and doctors in the area.
It was an amazing journey and I did many consultations / appointments with people, we were so busy everyday, the practice was thriving.

Robert has completed on going post graduate studies yearly as part of his registration in New Zealand as a Medical Herbalist and as a Naturopath. It was during this time he also completed a 2 year "Diploma of Clinical Iridology" with well know German Iridologist Peter Gerdes. 
He also studied under Denis Stewart "Manufacturing of Plant Phytotherapy" in Australia.

In 1999 he took a sabbatical break to South America, leaving a Herbalist colleague in charge of running the Clinic and Herbal Dispensary.
A spiritual pilgrimage to see various healers, Joao de Deus the amazing man they call ‘John of God’, in Brazil and into 
the Amazon jungle to follow his interest in medicinal plants and to recharge his batteries.
It was time to re-access the journey so far, and on his return the practice flourished.

Sometime later after having his own personal journey with ‘lone atrial fibrillation’ a heart rhythm problem, he decided it 
was time to try and slow the practice, so that he could look after himself more, find the joy in his heart and take more time for his passion...gardening.
He moved from 10 acres of land he had at Huia to purchasing one acre of land with an old batch back at Cornwallis Beach again, the place where his heart was where he had always felt at home.  

With his partner Shari Rhodes (Intuitive Reader), they decided to build a purpose built clinic space and house around 
their old batch at Cornwallis and bring the business home and have more of a balanced lifestyle.
It was important to do that which he had been teaching people for all those years that when you look after people and their health, you must also look after your own! 

Shari & Robert built their house, creating a peaceful retreat from the world out there with a separate Clinic space and Herbal Dispensary with clinic rooms, which we now both work from.
The environment is just the perfect oasis to practice from in the quiet fishing settlement of Cornwallis. 
It is truly inspiring and in itself a tranquil place of healing by the sea. We are surrounded by the stunning flora of the Waitakere Ranges ngahere and the Manukau Harbour at our doorstep.

We enjoy seeing people in this sanctuary environment of stillness without the hustle and noise of the city and traffic,
many health conditions can be looked at clearly with detail as to "why the need for them"?, and how we can help you?
Often our patients take time to swim or wander the beach after appointments, a relaxing time out.

Robert, with now 32 years experience behind him in the natural health field, is still passionate about working with Plant Phytotherapy. It gives so much joy to see the wonders of nature’s medicine helping us to all lead better and healthier lives.
Robert has also tutored part time in Herbal Medicine with the final year students in case discussion classes and other Naturopathic Diagnosis classes at Wellpark College of Natural Therapies.
In 2012, we decided to shorten our business name to make it easier for people and couriers from the long clinic name of "Titirangi Natural Health Clinic & Herbal Dispensary" that we started with to just "Titirangi Herbal Dispensary Ltd".

              Hippocrates  "Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food" 

Hoheria on Nikau
Cornwallis Wharf
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